Container Shipping

Do you want to save the cost of shipping?

Just choose whatever you want and ask us Container Shipping with SAFE BUY!

Shipping containers is the fastest and most effective way of saving shipping costs. On Raseal Motors, just choose what you want and ask our staff to handle all these things on your behalf. We're going to collect all the items you need and load them safely into the containers.
All the transaction will go through SAFE BUY service! And throughout the contract you'll get full customer support! Do not worry but relax.



Save shipping cost!

Container shipping is usually 20%-30% cheaper than Ro Ro shipping.  


Use Raseal as your agent

We will work for you as your agent here from money handling, shipping arrangement, document handling and even the verification of information!  


 Get the best deal from Raseal suppliers

Raseal will find out the best price from each suppliers.